Port of Montreal set for new strike at TerMont terminals tomorrow


ILA union members at the port of Montreal have called another strike, starting tomorrow, which is expected to impact operations, says the Maritime Employers’ Association (MEA). 

The MEA said yesterday: “Discussions over the past few hours have failed to bring the union back to the table in a constructive manner.

“The longshoremen’s union is therefore preparing to launch an unlimited general strike at the Viau and Maisonneuve terminals operated by TerMont, starting at 11am on Thursday.

“This pressure tactic will quickly lead to major operational upheavals, jeopardising the operations of several companies, as well as the financial health of the MEA, which is already coping with declining volumes.” 

The association has gone back to the minister of labour, Steven MacKinnon, and again asked him to appoint a special mediator – a proposal previously rejected. The MEA said a special mediator could be tasked to help the parties reach an agreement by 3 December. 

“It is clear that the parties are currently at an impasse. The MEA is appealing for the government to appoint a special mediator to break the deadlock in negotiations as soon as possible.” 

The Montreal longshoremen have been without a collective labour agreement since the end of December 2023. The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) closed the port of Montreal for a dockworkers meeting on Sunday, and on Monday gave 72-hour’ notice of the strike. 

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