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About Us

Our Story

We provide a full range of quality logistics services

Asean Lines Smart Route Inc., based in British Columbia, offers a Mobile apps (Android & iOS) that uses machine learning technology to assist with shipment logistics. The platform’s goal is to forecast shipping times by training algorithms on historical shipments and combining data from other sources related to the most important factors affecting schedule reliability, such as port congestion, holidays, COVID-19… As the company grew, the platform was refined and expanded, taking into account customer feedback and the most recent technological advances to ensure they were providing the most effective and efficient delivery solutions possible.

Unique Value Proposition

Which of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations our business would contribute to?

Logistics plays a vital role in advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) of the United Nation. Logistics innovation is not only a matter of developing transport infrastructure and services, but rather the ease of reaching destinations in terms of proximity, convenience and safety.

Goal 7 – Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all

Transportation accounts for approximately 25% of the world’s energy demand and for about 61.5% of all the oil used each year. Logistics innovation can help shipping companies reduce the energy consumption of transportation and therefor reduces CO2 emissions.

Goal 8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Quality and cost of logistics have a major impact on economic growth, on the ability of businesses to compete, on the movement of freight and on personal productivity. Efficient transport (transport activity, logistics chain, reduction of trade barriers) is fundamental for a more efficient economy particularly for developing countries. Sustainable and innovative logistics solutions can foster green growth and employment opportunities while following a low carbon pathway decoupled from emissions.

Goal 9 - Resilient Infrastructure, sustainable industrialization and innovation

In order to achieve sustainable industrialization, trans-border connections and connectivity between economic hubs play a crucial role. A robust and intelligent logistical innovation is an essential element for a resilient supply chain to disrupt the global, interregional, national and local trade lanes. Reliable logistics can enhance social and economic resilience as well as meeting security and emergency response needs. Serious disruption to logistics infrastructure can have catastrophic impacts on the abilities of communities, businesses and the economy to prepare and recover from a disaster. The importance of transportation networks in pre- and post-disaster evacuation becomes obvious and is often life-saving nature. A wide range of innovative technologies are generated within the logistics sector. Companies active in the development of IT solutions for logistics show a very high R&D (research and development) intensity.

Goal 12 – Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Applying new technologies in transport and logistics will be a crucial component of comprehensive strategies towards more sustainable ways of consumption and production of goods and services in the entire economy.

Goal 13 – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Sustainable transport solutions offer significant mitigation potential and are essential in meeting the 2-degree Celsius goal to minimize the impacts of climate change. GHG emissions from the transport sector have more than doubled since 1970 – increasing at faster rate than any other energy end-use sector. Some transport-related gases also deplete the stratospheric ozone (O3) layer which naturally screens the earth’s surface from ultraviolet radiation. In order to achieve this target, comprehensive sustainable logistics solutions have to be pursued. Our innovative solution can minimize the waste of energy to the environment which helps to reduce GHG emissions from the transport industry.

Our partners

Well-known international companies